
GigoloMales.com is a Male escort club where our Clients and Members can join us to avail the best services. We try to maintain a Safe & discreet relations between our Members and Clients. Our services allow users to give & take a best service round the clock. Joining as a male escort is now more easy then it was ever. Clients are waiting for a best companion to fulfill their Physical, mental and emotional needs. However every client has a different needs & desires, like some needs a travel partner, dating partner etc. while some other clients may looking for temporary boyfriend or a sex partner.Joining as a male escort or a playboy is a challenge where you need to satisfy Clients sexual desire. Men who can fulfill the needs of women can be a perfect Male escort. GigoloMales.comi s a most reputed club providing Male escort services across India and also providing other Adult services like friendship club, Escort services & Dating etc.

GigoloMales.com welcomes you to be a part our most reputed playboy club in India. We are hiring boys for working as a playboy pan India. GigoloMales.com is most trusted Gigolo club serving almost in each part of India since 2013. Join our Gigolo club and start your path today towards a positive direction. Earn a huge amount daily even more safely and securely with our complete security and privacy act. Opportunities of working as a playboy could be a golden chance to earn a good amount and it also increase your contacts with highly reputed families and corporate industry.

How to join as a Male Escort?

  1. Fulfill the needs of Clients and Get Paid.
  2. Candidates may choose to work as a full time or part time.
  3. For joining make sure that your age should be more than 18 years.
  4. You need to fill up our joining form which is available on our website to join us.
  5. Candidates need to provide your details like Name, city, Email, Phone no and Pan card.
  6. Candidate will get a call from our agent of respective city after filling the joining form
  7. Filling a joining form means you are agree to allow our agents to contact you for further process.

Is working as a Playboy legal in India?

Sex relation between two adults at a private place is not illegal if both are doing it willingly. However working as a playboy means entertaining a client in different way, providing company in clubs, pubs, parties or playboy could be a travel partner also. Corporate women, divorced females, college girls etc. who are looking for temporary relationship mostly hire playboys for their satisfaction and pay for it. Many clients don’t want any emotional engagement or relations so they feel better to hire a Gigolo & Playboy for their sexual desire and to remove their loneliness.

Gigolomales.com Training

Why to go along with us:

  1.  Our office is absolutely lawful under Indian constitution. (Male prostitution is not perceived in India.)
  2. We offers a moderate beginning.
  3. We don’t offers our part’s security to anybody.
  4. We are not going to obscure customers.
  5. We are not going to LGBT customers. (L-lesbian , G-gay , B-promiscuous , T-transexual)
  6. We are not going to STD influenced customers


  1. Hopeful ought to know HINDI or ENGLISH.
  2. Hopeful ought to be all around mannered and plummet.
  3. Hopeful need to spruced up accourding to events.
  4.  Hopeful should be spotless and hygenic.
  5. Applicant must not be adicted by medications or liquor.
  6. Applicant must not be influenced by S.T.D.(sexual transmited deases)


step 1 – Just tap the underneath connection and top off the enrollment frame.

step 2 – We will call you with in 24 hrs and pay the enlistment charge.

step 3 – Client will specifically call you by getting your points of interest from our office.

step 4 – Attend the calls and get paid shape customer.